How to Share Your Prompt

How to Share Your Prompt

The best way to inspire other creators such as yourself is by sharing. For some creators, the sharing process and the feedback process are the most satisfying part of creating. Others may feel happy if their work touched the heart of another individual and inspired them towards action.

We want to see what you create and we want to share it.

How Practicing Isn't as Bad as You Think

Creatives, when they start to make anything, they tend to feel a pressure of making something perfect.

However, practicing your craft is apart of the creative process. It allows you to sharpen your skills with your craft, experiment with new techniques and ideas, and will exponentially cut your time to make your masterpieces.  

3 Projects You Can Start Today

3 Projects You Can Start Today

These are three project ideas that you can start using today to either jumpstart your creativity or to feel a rush of accomplishment from start to finish. These “mini-projects” are ideal for anyone and can really brighten another person’s day.

How to Incorporate Creativity into Daily Life

How to Incorporate Creativity into Daily Life

We’ll be covering 3 ways that you could start incorporating creativity into your life. The more time you spend on being creative and are creating, the happier you’ll start to feel, and the more time you’ll start to find to continue being creative. It’s a wonderful cycle.

How Your Inner Voice is like a School Bully

How Your Inner Voice is like a School Bully

The worst critic any person has is their own inner critic. The following phrases from above are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to any individual person’s inner voice. This is the voice that keeps creators from creating. This is the voice that keeps many people from achieving what they call ‘their dreams’.