How to do a Writing Prompt - Tips, Apps, and Prompts for Beginners

How to do a Writing Prompt - Tips, Apps, and Prompts for Beginners

Writing is simple, but not easy. Anyone could string a series of letters into words, and words into paragraphs. However, it takes practice for anyone to consider themselves a ‘writer’, an artist who creates art with words. We go through why writing prompts are important, how to respond to prompts, where to write, and where to publish your prompts.

NaNoWriMo Report: Week 2 – Why People Procrastinate

My second week of NaNoWriMo has been full of procrastination. Let's explore why I have been steadily falling behind and see if I can 'solve' it.

5 Ways to Succeed in the Prompt Challenge

Need help figuring out how to do your creative prompt?

Are you taking the 10 Week Prompt Challenge?

Here are 5 creative ways you can tackle a 15 minute prompt to keep things fresh. No matter your skill level, getting out of your comfort zone and being in a state of creation is important.

My Artist’s Way Adventure: Week 3 - Anger and Synchronicity

Week 3 of The Artist's Way Adventure was about anger and synchronicity. It was about exploring the reason why we feel angry and what to do about it.