
120 Crayola Color Challenge

120 Crayola Color Challenge

Do you want a challenge to spark your creativity?

Many visual artists use colors to inspire their creativity. These challenges tend to center around using a limited color palette. Here, we will provide you with 120 Crayola colors to help you create your own limited color palette to be inspired by.

This list of 120 Crayola colors will challenge and inspire you.

How to Share Your Prompt

How to Share Your Prompt

The best way to inspire other creators such as yourself is by sharing. For some creators, the sharing process and the feedback process are the most satisfying part of creating. Others may feel happy if their work touched the heart of another individual and inspired them towards action.

We want to see what you create and we want to share it.

How to do a Writing Prompt - Tips, Apps, and Prompts for Beginners

How to do a Writing Prompt - Tips, Apps, and Prompts for Beginners

Writing is simple, but not easy. Anyone could string a series of letters into words, and words into paragraphs. However, it takes practice for anyone to consider themselves a ‘writer’, an artist who creates art with words. We go through why writing prompts are important, how to respond to prompts, where to write, and where to publish your prompts.